Post by Marvin Adamiweiß einer von euch wie ich ein GIF File LaTeX Conform sprich in
PostScript kovertieren kann?
# gif2ps by Chris Hodges <***>
# Version: V1.0beta (19-Nov-99)
# Description: This script uses an arbitary number of gif files as input and
# converts them into a single postscript file
# Synopsis: gif2ps <> [giffiles]
$files = '';
$target = '';
foreach(@ARGV) {
if($target eq '') {
$target = $_;
} else {
$start = rindex($_,"/");
if($start > 0) {
$name = substr($_,$start+1);
} else {
$name = $_;
print "Converting $name to pnm...";
system("giftopnm $_ >/tmp/$<.pnm");
if($? == 0) {
print "done!\nConverting $name to ps...";
system("pnmtops -rle /tmp/$<.pnm >/tmp/$");
if($? == 0) {
print "done!\n";
$files .= " /tmp/$";
} else {
print "failed! Page ignored!\n";
system("rm /tmp/$ /tmp/$<.pnm");
} else {
print "failed! Page ignored!\n";
system("rm /tmp/$<.pnm");
print "\nMerging pages together... this can take some time...";
system("gs -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=pswrite -sOutputFile=$target -dBATCH".$files);
print "done!\n";
print "Removing temporary files...";
print "done!\n";
print "\n*** Processing complete ($target)! ***\n";
Regards, Chris Hodges ( __ __
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!o K- w----- !O M- !V PS+ PE Y+ PGP t++(-) 5+++ R \XX/ \__/ __/ Logout
X++ tv--(-) b++ DI D-- G+ e++>+++* h! r--() y+ Amiga Rules \/ Fascism!
Men change feelings and demeanour with the same speed that they change
their interests (Arthur Schopenhauer)